Current Research Projects
Developing a National Policy and Technical Regulation for Aflatoxin Control in Food and Feed. Principal Investigator: Dr Rose Omari (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research-Science and Technology Policy Research Institute)
Food contamination-Eating moulds on them may be poisonous-Experts
Policies and legislations supporting aflatoxin management
Aflatoxins and their Management in Ghana. Please download the report here...
​​Women in Engineering Education and Careers in Benin and Ghana (WEEC-BG). Principal Investigator: Dr Rose Omari (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research-Science and Technology Policy Research Institute).
Program of Accompanying Research for Agricultural Innovation (PARI)-Ghana
Past Research Projects
Performance of Yam as an Alternative to Frozen Potato French Fries. Principal Investigator: Dr. Charles Torto (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research-Food Research Institute)
UG-INF-AJICO Complementary Food Project. Principal Investigator: Prof. Kwaku Tano-Debrah (Department of Nutrition and Food Science, University of Ghana, Legon)
Ghana Peanut Value Chain Interventions Project. Principal Investigator: Prof. Agnes S. Budu (Department of Nutrition and Food Science, University of Ghana, Legon)
Dairy for Improved Maternal and Child Nutrition Project. Principal Investigator: Dr. Maame Yaakwaah Blay Adjei (Department of Nutrition and Food Science, University of Ghana, Legon)